Catalog Search Results
How to Measure Training Results presents practical tools for collecting and measuring six types of data critical to an overall evaluatin of training. This timely resource:
Are you a romantic optimist with a cheery disposition? You might be a "Paul." Brooding, introverted, and artistic? You are probably a "John." If you tend to take life as it comes with a happy go-lucky attitude, most likely you are a "Ringo." Thoughtful, with a tendency toward passive-aggressive behavior? You might be a "George." The tenets of Beatleology are simple: We all have an Inner Beatle guiding our destiny and governing our behavior. Forget
...Many educators agree that the 100-point grading model is not always a reliable way to evaluate student learning. But is there another way to more accurately and equitably grade students and provide high-quality information to parents while fostering student learning? If so, why haven't school districts across the country changed their practices?
In Changing the Grade, author and educator Jonathan Cornue presents a detailed model for developing
...Assessment is an essential part of teaching and learning, but too often it leads to misleading conclusions—sometimes with dire consequences for students. How can educators improve assessment practices so that the results are accurate, meaningful, informative, and fair?
Educator and best-selling author Myron Dueck draws from his firsthand experience and his work with districts around the world to provide a simple but profound
...Grading is one of the most hotly debated topics in education, and grading practices themselves are largely based on tradition, instinct, or personal history or philosophy. But to be effective, grading policies and practices must be based on trustworthy research evidence.
Enter this book: a review of 100-plus years of grading research that presents the broadest and most comprehensive summary of research on grading and reporting available to date,