Preservation of forearc basins during island arc-continent collision : some insights from the Ordovician of western Ireland / Paul D. Ryan --
Basin formation by volcanic arc loading / Dave Waltham [and others] --
Cenozoic arc processes in Indonesia : identification of the key influences on the stratigraphic record in active volcanic arcs / Robert Hall and Helen R. Smyth --
Carbonate-platform facies in volcanic-arc settings : characteristics and controls on deposition and stratigraphic development / Steven L. Dorobek --
Sediment waves in the Bismarck Volcanic Arc, Papua New Guinea / Gary Hoffmann [and others] --
Lichi Mélange : a collision mélange formation along early arcward backthrusts during forearc basin closure, Taiwan arc-continent collision / Chi-Yue Huang [and others] --
Oblique subduction in an island arc collision setting : unique sedimentation, accretion, and deformation processes in the Boso TTT-type triple junction area, NW Pacific / Yujiro Ogawa, Yoshihiro Takami, and Sakiko Takazawa --
West Crocker formation of northwest Borneo : a Paleogene accretionary prism / Joseph J. Lambiase [and others] --
Temporal changes in the composition of Miocene sandstone related to collision between the Honshu and Izu Arcs, central Japan / Koichi Okuzawa and Ken-ichiro Hisada --
Cenozoic volcanic arc history of East Java, Indonesia : the stratigraphic record of eruptions on an active continental margin / Helen R. Smyth, Robert Hall, and Gary J. Nichols --
New constraints on the sedimentation and uplift of the Andaman-Nicobar accretionary prism, South Andaman Island / R. Allen [and others] --
Post-collisional collapse in the wake of migrating arc-continent collision in the Ilan Basin, Taiwan / Peter D. Clift [and others] --
Guerrero Composite Terrane of western Mexico : collision and subsequent rifting in a supra-subduction zone / E. Centeno-Garcia, M. Guerrero-Suastegui, and O. Talavera-Mendoza --
Tectonic architecture of an arc-arc collision zone, Newfoundland Appalachians / Alexandre Zagorevski [and others] --
Catalina Schist : evidence for middle Cretaceous subduction erosion of southwestern North America / M. Grove [and others] --
Sedimentary response to arc-continent collision, Permian, southern Mongolia / C.L. Johnson [and others] --
Links among mountain building, surface erosion, and growth of an accretionary prism in a subduction zone
an example from southwest Japan /
Gaku Kimura [and others].