pt. I. The constitutional framework of separated powers. 1. Separation of powers and the administrative state / Charles R. Kesler --
2. Executive authority under the separation of powers / Douglas A. Jeffrey --
3. Bureaucratizing the American government / John Adams Wettergreen --
pt. II. The imperial Congress at work. 4. Congressional micromanagement : national defense / Herman A. Mellor --
5. Congressional micromanagement : domestic policy / John Hiram Caldwell --
6. The congressional budget mess / Margaret N. Davis --
7. The House dynasty : a public choice analysis / Mark Crain --
8. Using the rules for abuse / Clifford Barnhart --
9. Legislative lords : gag rules and permanent staff / Michael E. Hammond and Peter M. Weyrich --
10. The criminalization of politics / Gordon Crovitz --
11. The headless fourth branch / Nolan E. Clark --
pt. III. Reclaiming American politics. 12. Overthrowing oligarchy / Gordon S. Jones --
13. Restoring the separation of powers / Thomas G. West --
14. Comes the revolution / Gabriel Prosser --