Phencyclidine receptor binding as a probe of NMDA receptor functioning : implications for drug use research / Stephen R. Zukin and Daniel C. Javitt
Pharmacologic regulation of the NMDA receptor-ionophore complex / Kenneth M. Johnson [and others]
Pharmacologic characterizations of [sigma] receptors / Tsung-Ping Su
Studies of [sigma] receptors and metabolic responses to [sigma] ligands in the brain / E.D. London
[Sigma] receptors and signal transduction : negative modulation of signaling through phosphoinositide-linked receptor systems / Wayne D. Bowen [and others]
[Sigma] and phencyclidine receptors in the brain-endocrine-immune axis / Seth A. Wolfe, Jr., Errol B. De Souza
A role for [sigma] binding in the antipsychotic profile of BMY 14802? / Duncan P. Taylor [and others]
Molecular biology of PCP and NMDA receptors / Leslie Kushner, Michael V.L. Bennett, R. Suzanne Zukin
Excitatory amino acid neurotoxicity in the developing brain / John W. McDonald, Michael V. Johnston
Isolation and characterization of an endogenous ligand for the PCP and [sigma] receptors from porcine, rat, and human tissue / Patricia C. Contreras [and others]
Summary and future directions / Edward F. Domino.