pt. 1. Approaches to Victorian autobiography: Ulysses to Penelope: Victorian experiments in autobiography / Elizabeth K. Helsinger --
Where was Rousseau? / Phyllis Grosskurth --
Credence and credibility: the concern for honesty in Victorian autobiography / Howard Helsinger --
The invention of childhood in Victorian autobiography / LuAnn Walther --
pt. 2. Essays on individual autobiographers: The structure of Ruskin's Praeterita / Elizabeth K. Helsinger --
Ruskin's Praeterita as thanatography / Claudette Kemper Columbus --
A grammatology of assent: Cardinal Newman's Apologia pro vita sua / Michael Ryan --
Audience and the autobiographer's art: an approach to the Autobiography of Mrs. M.O.W. Oliphant --
Elizabeth Missing Sewell: concealment and revelation in a Victorian everywoman / Sarah C. Frerichs --
The antinomial structure of John Butler Yeats's Early memories: some chapters of autobiography / George Bornstein --
pt. 3. Autobiography and autobiographicality: Personal myth: the Victorian autobiographers / Avrom Fleishman --
Biblical typology and the self-portrait of the poet in Robert Browning / Linda H. Peterson --
Autobiography into autobiography: the evolution of David Copperfield / Robert L. Patten --
Travel as anti-autobiography: William Morris' Icelandic journals / Frederick Kirchhoff --
The story of the stories: Henry James's prefaces as autobiography / Mutlu Konuk Blasing --
The allegory of life: the autobiographical impulse in Victorian prose / David J. DeLaura.