A faithful narrative of the surprising work of God
Sermons : Sinners in the hands of an angry God ; A divine and supernatural light ; A history of the work of redemption (sermon I)
A treatise concerning religious affections
The nature of true virtue
Personal writings : Diary ; Resolutions ; Apostrophe to Sarah Pierpont ; Personal narrative ; Receipt for slave Venus
Letters : To Timothy Edwards, March 1, 1721 ; To George Whitefield, February 12, 1739/40 ; To Moses Lyman, May 10, 1742 ; To Joseph Bellamy, January 15, 1746/47
To Sarah Pierpont Edwards, June 22, 1748 ; To Thomas Foxcroft, May 24, 1749 ; To Esther Edwards Burr, March 28, 1753 ; To Thomas Prince, May 10, 1754 ; To the trustees of the College of New Jersey, October 19, 1757.