After the point of no return
In the Congregational basement
A footnote to the history of the New York Central Railroad
Walking along the beach with a five year old
For my daughters during their first penumbrial eclipse
The boy who ran away from me
The hazards of serenading
Breakfast with salesmen before the poetry reading
On being asked once more what a poem is
On the persistence of metaphor
Long overdue praise for her
Never let your characters sit down
At the farewell performance of Henry Ellsworth Robinson, the magician known as Ching Ling Soo
Before the poetry reading
Aristotle comes to a conclusion
Rain dance in a rain forest
What the marine biologist told me
Thoreau and the mud turtle
Thoreau and the loose cow
Thoreau and the lightning
The last good hour of a worker bee
At dawn on the fifth of July
Running the four hundred meters
Overheard at dinner in the home of a recent widow
The minutes of the last meeting
A preface to the history of chairs
Pounding swords into ploughshares
Instructions for the caretaker
A zodiac for the twenty-second century
Lost in thought on an extension ladder
The first law of thermodynamics
Helping the home patient fall asleep
For their second childhood
A beginner's guide to death.