God rest ye merry gentlemen (Maddy Prior with The Carnival Band) --
The distressed soldier ; Angels we have heard on high (Cherish the Ladies) --
The Wexford carol (Boys of the Lough) --
Shepherds arise (Waterson:Carthy) --
Babe of Bethlehem ( Nowell Sing We Clear) --
Horn dance (Áine Minogue) --
Three kings (Robbie O'Connell) --
The little drummer boy (Cherish the Ladies) --
Noelenn brehed (Group Vocal Jef Le Penven) --
Ding dong merrily on high (Dordán) --
The boar's head (Maddy Prior with The Carnival Band) --
Christmas capers (Druidstone) --
My dancing day (Maddy Prior with The Carnival Band) --
Jesu joy of man's desiring (Druidstone) --
O holy night (Cherish the Ladies) --
Pa voe ganet (when he was born) (Ensemble Choral du Bout du Monde) --
The twelfth day carol (Roobbie O'Connell).