Part I: Historical Relationships between Economics and Christian Theology
Economics in the Christian Scriptures / M. Douglas Meeks
Economics in the Church Fathers / Hennie Stander
Voluntary Exchange and Coercion in Scholastic Economics / Odd Langholm
Economics and Theology in Italy since the Eighteenth Century / Luigino Bruni and Stefano Zamagni
From the Foundation of Liberal Political Economy to its Critique: Theology and Economics in France in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries / Gilbert Faccarello
Theology and the Rise of Political Economy in Britain in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries / A.M.C. Waterman
Economics and Theology in Europe from the Nineteenth Century: From Early Nineteenth Century's Christian Political Economy to Modern Catholic Social Doctrine / Pedro Teixeira and António Almodovar
Economics and Theology after the Separation / Ross B. Emmett
Part II: Contemporary Theological Economics
Roman Catholic Economics / Andrew Yuengert
Anglicanism / Kim Hawtrey
Eastern Orthodoxy's Theology of Economics / Daniel P. Payne
Reformed Christian Economics / Bob Goudzwaard and Roel Jongeneel
Theonomy and Economic Institutions / Edd Noell
Anabaptist Approaches to Economics / James Halteman
Pentecostal Approaches to Economics / Shane Clifton
Interface and Integration in Christian Economics / J. David Richardson
Part III: Christianity, Capitalism and Development
Weber, Theology, and Economics / Max L. Stackhouse
Economic Religion and Environmental Religion / Robert H. Nelson
Christianity and the Prospects for Development in the Global South / Peter S. Heslam
Faith, Religion, and International Development / Katherine Marshall
Christianity and the Global Economic Order / Paul S. Williams
Part IV: Economic Analysis of Religion
Economic Models of Churches / Robert Mochrie
The Economics of Religious Schism and Switching / T. Randolph Beard, Robert B. Ekelund, Jr., George S. Ford, and Robert D. Tollison
Spiritual Capital / Theodore Roosevelt Malloch
Religious Labour Markets / Ian Smith
Regulation of Religious Markets / Charles M. North
Behavioral Economics of Religion / Jonathan H.W. Tan
Part V: Interdisciplinary Exchanges
Economic Justice / Albino Barrera
Usury / Ian Harper and Lachlan Smirl
Human Nature, Identity, and Motivation / Gordon Menzies and Donald Hay