From the Book - English language edition.
Introduction / Terryl N. Kinder --
Cistercian origins / Claudio Stercal --
Bernard of Clairvaux and the experience of mystery / Inos Biffi --
A sublime alliance sealed by the hand of god : theology and aesthetic anthropology / Antonio Montanari --
"Deformed beauty" or "beautiful deformity" : the aesthetics of the cross as a mystical ethic of beauty in Bernard of Clairvaux / Pierre-André Burton --
Early Cistercian architecture : originality and functionality of a building model / Xavier Barral i Altet --
Saint Bernard, a builder? The problem with the "Bernardine plan" ; The dawn of Cistercian architecture in Italy (Twelfth to thirteenth centuries) ; Two Cistercian Abbeys in Italy's Po Valley / Roberto Cassanelli --
The architecture of the Cistercian Abbey of Saints Vincenzo and Anastasio at Tre Fontane / Joan Barclay Lloyd --
Cistercians in the Holy Roman empire north of the Alps / Jens Rüffer --
Cistercian architecture in the Iberian Peninsula / James D'Emilio --
Cistercian architecture in Great Britain and Ireland / David M. Robinson --
Cistercians and their architecture in the Baltic Region / Christine Kratzke --
Cistercians in medieval Hungary / Elek Benkó --
Cistercian nuns and art in the Middle Ages / Elisabeth Freeman --
"Ornamenta Ecclesiae Cistercienses" : ornamental art in Cistercian monasteries of the Middle Ages / Christine Kratzke --
Liturgical life as art : Cistercian liturgical objects / Emmanuelle Cazabonne --
Cistercian stained glass / Eric Ramirez-Weaver --
The monastic art of Lectio divina / Michael Casey --
Cistercian miniatures / Joaquin Yarza Luaces --
From storeroom to study : the origin and development of Cistercian libraries / David N. Bell --
Medieval Cistercian seals / David H. Williams --
Cistercian reform of liturgical chant / Claire Maître --
Cistercian granges / David H. Williams --
The principal grange of Fossanova / Igino Vona --
Cistercians and water : the model of the French and Spanish Abbeys / Javier Pérez-Embid --
Cistercian metallurgy / Denis Cailleaux --
Images of Saint Bernard and Cistercians in medieval art / James France --
Cistercians, the Commenda system, and the period of the congregations / Mario Sensi --
Cistercian art in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in the German-speaking regions / Markus Thome --
Heiligenkreuz / Markus Thome --
Armand-Jean De Rancé and the Trappists / Dom M. Gérard Dubois --
The quest for a new Cistercian architectural identity in the nineteenth century / Thomas Coomans --
Emblems for a season of fury : the art of Thomas Merton / Paul M. Pearson --
Cistercian architecture of the twentieth century / Maria Antonietta Crippa --
Historic Cistercian Abbey fragments in the United States / Terryl N. Kinder --
Our Lady of Joy : a Cistercian community in East Asia / Anastasius Li and M. Theophane Young --
Our Lady of the Redwoods Abbey / Maria Christina Leaño --
Tautra Mariakloster : the art of returning / Sheryl Frances Chen OCSO.