Nineteenth century Quaker migration to the frontier / E. Leonard Brown
Missions and missionaries / Eleanor Biggart
Quaker dress through the ages / Jan Hiatt
Two Springfield meeting friends who heeded a calling / Christine Hadley Snyder
Benjamin Trueblood / Rhonda Curtis
The life and ministry of Jeptha David Garner, M.D. / J.Scott Knight
The emergence of the paid ministry among Quakers / Larry Barker
John Henry Douglas, Quaker evangelist / Richard G. Coleman
Esther Gordon Frame / Jan Wood
Response to the military / Bob Beck and Jack Hoefer
Concerns for minorities / Frances Hartman-Wilkin
Education among Quakers. Education in Southwestern Ohio : 1808-1992 / William B. Guthrie ; Quaker involvement in education in East Tennessee / Joan VanSickle Sloan
Thomas R. Kelly : apostle of the radiant life / T. Canby Jones
Looking to the future / Jim Ellis
Works of Eli Harvey in Clinton Co. Historical Museum
Quaker educators in East Tennessee
Elementary schools established in East TN by Friends.